Billi Gentoo

This has always been the baby of the family, the Chilli Billie Gentoo (Generation 2-Gentoo) is still in no hurry to grow up. It likes chilling out… warming up… drying off and frying up. Found hanging out in small spaces like camping pods, yurts, beach huts, shepherd’s huts, sheds and studios. Also fond of little cottages and homes that need a smaller heat output.

It has undergone a redesign to meet the Ecodesign criteria. Chilli Penguin wanted to keep the essential nature of the Chilli Billie, with its little round porthole window but we are so excited that we have been able to introduce a few little extras at the same time, including an optional “food tube”  for your weekend brunches, lazy lunches, evening cook-ups and everything in between.

The Billie Gentoo now front-loading with the same stainless steel handle as the rest of the penguins. It has a stainless steel top plate as standard. The optional side shelves also have a stainless top. There is a selection of penguin heat shield enclosures. It is a bit wider than the original and the air controls are different.


  • Side Shelves (interchangeable)
  • Colours
  • Food Tubes


Billie Gentoo


Nominal Output: 4.3 kW
Efficiency: 81.8%
Fuel: Wood Only
Smoke Control avalible: No
Colours available: Yes
Max Log Length 180mm
Flue Collar Diameter: 107mm (105-125mm adaptor required, often sold as 4″ – 5”adaptor)
Height 508mm Width 405mm Depth 437mm


£1,295.00 inc VAT

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