Chilli Penguin WOOD STOVES


The Penguin Idris. The Welsh origin of this name, is fiery and passionate, just like this penguin. The Penguin Idris gives out 7 kW of chilli hot heat, like the Penguin 7 but with more to love; extra width with the side convector panels and extra height to balance it up and store your logs underneath…just that bit bigger and that bit hotter.

Perfect for larger spaces.


Nominal Output: 7.1kW
Efficiency (wood): 75.8%
Multi-Fuel: No
Colours Available: Yes
Max Log Length: 300mm
Flue Collar Diameter: 127mm
Flue Size Required Min: 125mm (5”)

Height 791mm Width 649mm Depth 405mm

Idris wood stoves


£2,660.00 inc VAT

For Help or Advice About Any of Our
Chilli Penguin Wood Stoves

Call Us: 01326 572878

Quality, Personalised Service

If you choose a Wendron Stoves engineer to install your stove then you have the confidence that he is HETAS qualified. As such, his work is guaranteed and safe.

Specialist Advice

We have worked in the stove industry for over 30 years, so we like to think we have intimate knowledge of our industry.
So when you come to us for help, you can be assured that we will give you the highest quality advice together with superb customer service.